Welcome to Quilt Connection Chicago!
Quilt Connection Chicago is a Community of Quilters on the north side of Chicago and we are 40+ members strong. Many members go back 30 years and others less than a year. Skill levels from novice to expert. Overall, we sew, knit, crochet, embroider, applique in addition to being pretty prolific Quilters!
We create, donate, and celebrate!
Join Us
Members meetings
Thursdays 1-5pm
- 9/12-QC Meeting and Birthday Thursday
- 9/19 10am Quilt a Thon Sawtooth Stars
- 10/3 1pm QC Meets & Birthday Thursday
- 10/10 QC Meets
- 10/10-10/13 Wonderland retreat
- 10/17 QC Meets 1-4
- 10/17-4pm BIANNUAL MEETING & Potluck
- 10/24 10am Quilt a thon Landscaping
- 10/31 QC meets 1-5 (upstairs)
Board Meetings
- 9/12 11:30am Board Meets
Looking Ahead
- 10/17 4:00pm BIANNUAL MEETING & Potluck
- 11/28 no meeting
- 12/7 12pm Holiday Party
- 12/28 No meeting
- 1/2 No meeting
- 2025 6/23-6/26 Prairie Star Retreat